Aldinga Scrub
From Adelaide, take Main South Road (A13) as far as its split with Victor Harbor Road (which then takes the A13 label) and continue on Main South Road (now B23) towards Aldinga, Myponga, Yankalilla and, eventually, to Cape Jervis. Stay on this road for about 8 km, and then turn right on Aldinga Beach Road. After about 1.7 km, turn left at the roundabout near the shopping centre on to Rowley Road. Drive due south to the end of the road, ignoring Emerald Boulevard on the left and even Rowley Road on the right. (UBD Map 223, J 12).
From Adelaide, take Main South Road (A13) as far as its split with Victor Harbor Road (which then takes the A13 label) and continue on Main South Road (now B23) towards Aldinga, Myponga, Yankalilla and, eventually, to Cape Jervis. Stay on this road for about 8 km, and then turn right on Aldinga Beach Road. After about 1.7 km, turn left at the roundabout near the shopping centre on to Rowley Road. Drive due south to the end of the road, ignoring Emerald Boulevard on the left and even Rowley Road on the right. (UBD Map 223, J 12).